Whats On

Saturday 10th of June, Caitlin Maling!

Our feature poet is Caitlin Maling, this Saturday 10th June 2017 at Perth Poetry Club.

Caitlin Maling is is a WA poet with two books out through Fremantle Press.  Her first Conversations I've Never Had was shortlisted in the Dame Mary Gilmore and WA Premier's Book Awards.  She has been the recipient of the Val Vallis Award and the Harri Jones Memorial Award of the Newcastle Poetry Prize.  She divides her times between Sydney, Fremantle and Cervantes.

Saturday 3rd of June, Veronica Lake and Christine Burrows!

Our two feature poets are Veronica Lake and Christine Burrows, this Saturday 3rd June 2017 at Perth Poetry Club.

Veronica Lake is a teacher of Literature, and has been since before the dawn of time. She is Head of English at Applecross Senior High School. In her spare time, she edits the annual student poetry journal Primo Lux, which draws from students in high schools all over the state, and celebrates their distinctive voices and stories. The journal has been in production now for fourteen years.
