Whats On

Perth Launch: "Impossible Preludes" Poems 2008-2014 by Andrew Taylor!

Reflecting a life spread across two continents, 'Impossible Preludes' continues Taylor’s restless probing of the contradictions of life and language. Here are love poems, poems about language and silence, an elegy for a cat, and an interview with a querulous mathematician, as well as poems dealing with the cruelties of contemporary world politics, ageing, and delight in nature. Once again, the collection shows the stimulating range of tone and style that has been a hallmark of all his poetry.

Saturday 22nd of October, Sylvia Plath presented by local poets Dean Meredith, Alexis Lateef and Amy Hilhorst!

It’s Sylvia Plath - this Saturday 22nd October 2016, Perth Poetry Club is pleased to host a tribute to the poetry of Sylvia Plath, presented by local poets, Dean Meredith, Alexis Lateef & Amy Hilhorst.

Dean, Alexis and Amy are fans of Sylvia Plath and each will present their perspective on her poetry, and its influence on their individual poetry journey. 

Sunday 30th of October, the final "SPRING IN VALLEY" BRUNCH!

The final “SPRING IN VALLEY” BRUNCH – Sunday 30th OCTOBER 2016

tHaTz iT!!!   “Spring in Valley” Brunch   Sunday 30th October

Proceed'z 2 Starlight Children's Foundation*

Includes: Tozz coin'z 4 Kid'z,  Poetry Reading'z,                   Invited Feature Artist’z

Still $15, 10am start  -  Contact Neil 0422148956 or  Helen 0431035540 for info

More details to follow in coming weeks

Saturday 22nd of October, Well Versed Shakespeare


Well Versed is presenting ALL the Shakespeare Sonnets (154 of them!) as part of the Shakespeare 400 'family fun day' at UWA on Sat. 22 October (between 12 noon and 3pm outside the Octagon Theatre)

As far as we can tell this has never been done before in the Southern Hemisphere.  The whole event is free entry, and audiences can wander through and stay as long - or short - as they like, with some comfy chairs provided.
