Whats On

Saturday 21st January, Aaron Tuckey + open-mike at The Moon, on Zoom!

This Saturday 21st January we have our second Moon Zoom for 2023 with Aaron Tuckey (visiting from Sweden) + open-mike.

Born in Mandurah, Western Australia, and trained as a musician from a young age, Aaron Tuckey became an accidental poet in 2013 when he found himself without an instrument and in urgent need of a creative outlet.  His interest in poetry flourished over the subsequent years and he self-published his first anthology in 2016, The Long Winter.

Sunday lunch, 8th Jan, 12noon, Red Chill Sichuan, no poetry - Poetry is next week

This Sunday 8th January we have Sunday lunch 12noon, no poetry, at Red Chilli Sichuan Restaurant, 1/191 James Street, Northbridge

        RSVP   perthpoetryclub@gmail.com  or  Elio on 0417 345 863  or  Neil (BRiLO) on 0422 148 956, so we can confirm numbers with restaurant

and 2023 start back with:

     DATE            EVENT                    

Saturday 7th January, Poetry + Chat, ZOOM only!

This Saturday 7th January we are ZOOM from the ethernet.

To bring in the new Year, the venue is “Not at The Moon Café”, but ZOOM only

this Saturday, 7th January 2023   2:00pm to 4:00pm Perth Aus WST   (GMT+8hrs).

        ZOOM Open-mike

        Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84254037443

A great place/space to be on a Saturday afternoon 2pm-4pm WST.

2023 start back with:

Thank you for 2022

Thank you everyone at Perth Poetry Club for 2022.

It certainly was an continuing year of poetry, COVID-19 and Zoom.

Thank you to our 1,800+ audience, 800+ open-mikers, and 70+ features during the year, who helped deliver over 2,200 poems

The 70+ features do not include the following multiple features and ad hoc events we had:

     Young Poets Festival Gig (3No.) in September Thanks to Veronica Lake, Zac Cawdron and WA Poets Inc

Saturday 10th December, Mega Open-mike event, at The Moon, on Zoom!

This Saturday 10th December we have our last gig of the year as a Mega Open-mike event, VIA ZOOM and at THE MOON CAFÉ.

Perth Poetry Club holds Mega Open-mike events quarterly as an opportunity for every open-miker to be a feature with 5 minutes (maximum) of performance time.

Best to prepare your performance.  Try something different, experimental.  Edit and refresh your poems.  Hone your performance skills.  Past events have been memorable for the quality of the poetry and performances. 
