Whats On

Saturday 23rd March, Zan Ross!

This Saturday 23th March 2019 we have the wonderful poet Zan Ross and open-mike at Perth Poetry Club.

Zan Ross is a poet from the suburbs of Perth WA.  She has published poetry in all the usual Australian literary journals, a few in Canada, Budapest, Paris, the USA, and on-line zines.  She has two collections published, B-Grade (Monogene Press) and Enpassant (Fremantle Arts Centre Press, and a chapbook Je Ne Sais Quoi (Vagabond Press).

Saturday 16th March, Ron Okely + friends + launch of No Easy Way!

This Saturday 16th March 2019 we have Ron Okely + friends for the launch of Ron’s latest poetry work No Easy Way, and open-mike.

Ron Okely was born in Bassendean 1929, married in 1954 and lived with his wife and family in regional WA before moving to Maddington. His poems reflect appreciation of family and friends, his experience in country Western Australia, and as a Social Worker in Royal Perth Hospital.

Saturday 9th March, Woman Scream 2019!

This Saturday 9th March WA Poets Inc takes over the Moon Cafe with 

                                WOMAN SCREAM 2019

AUSTRALIAN EXCLUSIVE Grito de Mujer / Woman Scream “I scream for me”

Saturday 9 March 2019    2-4pm – ENTRY BY DONATION   The Moon Cafe, 323 William Street, Northbridge, PERTH

MC Maddie Godfrey With Fab Poets and Spoken Word Artists

      Luka Buchanan, Rashida Murphy, Rose Van Son and Taonga Sendama,

Saturday 2nd March, Peter Burges + David Moore!

This Saturday 2nd March 2019 we have Peter Burges + David Moore, and open-mike.

Peter Burges is an eclectic reader (history, politics, biographies, fiction, science fiction, fantasy, crime, religious texts, cross-cultural issues, etc.), and has had a long term goal of becoming a writer (of poetry, short stories and novels).  So far he has had one poem published (by Unevenfloor, thanks to Jackson), and he hopes it is the first of many.

His feature will include the performance of two long poems, one in each half:

Saturday 23rd February, Mega Open-Mike!

This Saturday 23rd February 2019 we have our first Mega Open-Mike event for the year.

Perth Poetry Club holds Mega Open-Mikes quarterly as an opportunity for every open-miker to be a feature with 5 minutes (maximum) of performance time.

Best to prepare your performance. Try something different, experimental. Edit and refresh your poems. Hone your performance skills.

Past events have been memorable for the quality of the poetry and performances.
