Whats On

Saturday 3rd August, Tony Walley + Soul Reserve!

This Saturday 3rd August we have the wonderful poets Tony Walley + Soul Reserve and open-mike at Perth Poetry Club.

Tony Walley is a mature-aged Aboriginal man born in regional WA, and is part the Yued, Ballardong and Binjareb Noongar people of the southwest.  His connection and relationship to his people, his culture, and to the land is extremely important to him; and this extends to family, spirituality, and the general health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people.

Sunday 4th August, Microphone Technique - Improve your performance with Ben Hoare!

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR PERFORMANCE - Microphone Technique Workshop with Ben Hoare, PPC sound engineer

On Sunday – 4th August 2019, 12:30pm to 1:30pm, at The Moon Café, 323 William Street, Northbridge.

Ben Hoare has been part of Perth Poetry Club for 8 years being PPC sound engineer.

Ben also has sung in choirs for 20 years and knows a thing or two about breathing, voice production and projection. 

Saturday 13th July, Jazmin Lj Tassell, Poetry Cluster, Shab Delrooz!

This Saturday 13th July we have three wonderful poets Jazmin Lj Tassell, Poetry Cluster, Shab Delrooz and open-mike at Perth Poetry Club.

Jazmin Lj Tassell  Bio:

Jazmin writes poetry about the joy of life, including the tears.

She believes that poetry is a panacea for fears.

She loves the transformation

From pain to elation.

At the action of putting pen to paper,

Is this a magical (majical) creation?

After 20 years of spoken word

She’s bravely gone beyond

Saturday 29th June, Leonard James!

This Saturday 29th June 2019 we have the wonderful poet, Leonard James and open-mike at Perth Poetry Club.

Leonard James has been court jester and consigliere to many live poetry events across Perth's somnambulant and sprawling experimentation over the past couple years, as well as performing on other microphones left unattended in remote and seedy corners.

Saturday 22nd June, Mega Open-mike event!

This Saturday 22nd June 2019 we have our second Mega Open-Mike event for the year.

Perth Poetry Club holds Mega Open-Mikes quarterly as an opportunity for every open-miker to be a feature with 5 minutes (maximum) of performance time.

Best to prepare your performance. Try something different, experimental. Edit and refresh your poems. Hone your performance skills.

Past events have been memorable for the quality of the poetry and performances.

Saturday 8th June, Biddle, Tony Walley, Julie Winther!

This Saturday 8th June we have the wonderful poets Biddle, Tony Walley, Julie Winther and open-mike at Perth Poetry Club.

Biddle has been performing since 14 and never really stopped. Known for gritty and honest poetry from a point of chosen naivety in their work, you'll most often find them at sporadic times in your life or by yelling their name into an oil spill three times. They have chapbooks, been in multiple zines, published on Uneven Floor, perfected the pavlova at 12, and currently own at least 13 traffic cones.
