Perth Poetry Club turns 15, and has wonderful poets Coral Carter, BRiLO, Stephen Cole plus open-mike this Saturday 30th March, 2pm-4pm, at The Moon Café and on Zoom.
Jackson and Helchild started Perth Poetry Club on 28th March 2009. Stalwarts Coral Carter and BRiLO have helped keep the club going and Stephen Cole has attended more club gigs that anyone else, and these three are honoured by being features on this day.
We will have pizzas at half-time and at the end of the gig to celebrate.
Coral Carter lives in Perth. She has spent many years living and working in isolated and outback communities of Australia was a guest at 2013 Queensland Poetry Festival and inaugural writer in residence for the Northern Territory Writers Centre 2013. Her poem summer sky blues was featured on the Perth cultural centre screen as a media exhibition during the summer of 2015. She was the originator of MullaMullaPress, and has been instrumental in publishing and bringing poetry to the masses.
Neil J (BRiLO) Pattinson is a “Suburban born Melbourne evacuee with a rural upbringing, a West Coast runaway and has-been resources Corporate Sector raffscalian. Neil has been an organiser and contributor to Perth Poetry Club since its inception, is the creator of the Viable Human Mob, and is the world’s leading exponent of the HaaR Coooo form of poetry. His poetry in its various genres has been published in numerous zines, publications, and his own book (sold out).
Stephen Cole’s poetry has been well received and commended in many competitions. His first book of poetry was sold-out, and in second print-run. Stephen has had some success in getting published in Positive Words, TAFE journals and various zines/books (local and interstate). He started writing when he met a girlfriend, they grew apart but she loved what he wrote at the time - memories they both have. His speciality is poetry about love. Stephen has been a stalwart of the Perth Poetry Club, and we are glad to have him feature this week when we celebrate our 15th year.
Join us to celebrate poetry at The Moon from the back room and on Zoom.
Saturday, 30th March 2024, 2pm to 4pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).
Coral Carter, BRiLO, Stephen Cole + open-mike
at The Moon Café, 323 William Street, Northbridge, and on Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84254037443
A great space to be on a Saturday afternoon at The Moon and on Zoom.
In weeks to come, we have:
Perth Poetry Club 15 years old
Coral Carter, Neil J (BRiLO) Pattinson & Stephen Cole + open-mike
Enjoy Poetry and Pizzas on the day
Mega Open-mike event, 5minutes max per open-miker
- every open-miker is a mini-feature
Launch & performance of ‘Little Sister, Tiny Brother’ by Christine Della Vedova & Mar Bucknell + open-mike
Julian Matthews (Malaysia), in person at The Moon + open-mike.
No Zoom that day.
Louise Helfgott + open-mike
All with open-mike, not to be missed...