Perth Poetry Club has wonderful poet Chris Konrad plus open-mike this Saturday 9th March, 2pm-4pm, at The Moon Café and on Zoom.
Chris Konrad …Christopher is a Western Australian writer with poems and short stories published in many journals and online including in Ireland, US and in Chinese. He has received many awards including winning the Glen Phillips Poetry Prize 2015, Todhunter Literary Award 2012 for a short story and Tom Collins Poetry Award 2009 & 2018. He has published several books including Argot which was published by Pomonal Publishing (2016). His collection of short stories The Voyeur was published in 2021 by Bilboa. His latest book Blind Summits, co-written with Ross Bolleter was published by Sunline Press.
Join us to celebrate poetry at The Moon from the back room and on Zoom.
Saturday, 9th March 2024, 2pm to 4pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).
Chris Konrad + open-mike
at The Moon Café, 323 William Street, Northbridge, and on Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84254037443
A great space to be on a Saturday afternoon 2pm-4pm WST at The Moon and on Zoom.
In weeks to come, we have:
Chris Konrad + open-mike
Woman Scream 2024 – event by WA Poets Inc,
with Aditi Arun, Rosie Cavany-Shute, Judith Huang, S C Tokelov & Skylar J Wynter,
MC by Manveen Kohli (no open-mike, but great poets)
Amelia Walker (SA) + open-mike
Perth Poetry Club 15 years old
Coral Carter, Neil J (BRiLO) Pattinson & Stephen Cole + open-mike
… Most with open-mike, not to be missed …