Perth Poetry Club has wonderful poets Francesca Meehan & Gabrielle Everall plus open-mike this Saturday 2nd March, 2pm-4pm, at The Moon Café and on Zoom.
Francesca Meehan has been writing for as long as she can remember and will probably always feel poetically embryonic! She's been blessed with the mentoring, from, for the most part, Tiffany Barton and Jaya Penelope but has also occasionally appreciated some encouragement from Peter Jeffrey and Mike Greenacre. Ever grateful to Perth Poetry Club and the opportunity it provides to Poets of all abilities to be heard, she's honoured to have been invited to feature and delighted to share her work with you today.
Gabrielle Everall has just got her new book, Venus Without Furs, from the printers. They were published by TTO'S press, Collective Effort Press. They will be available for sale at this Perth Poetry Club reading on Saturday. Gabrielle wrote Venus Without Furs for her Masters at UniMelb where she got first class Honours.
She has been published in numerous anthologies including The Penguin Anthology of Australian Poetry. She has performed her poetry at La Mama, The Bowery in New York and The Edinburgh Fringe Festival. She has also performed her work at The Evil Woman conference in Vienna.
Join us to celebrate poetry at The Moon from the back room and on Zoom.
Saturday, 2nd March 2024, 2pm to 4pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).
Francesca Meehan & Gabrielle Everall + open-mike
at The Moon Café, 323 William Street, Northbridge, and on Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84254037443
A great space to be on a Saturday afternoon 2pm-4pm WST at The Moon and on Zoom.
In weeks to come, we have:
2-Mar-24 Francesca Meehan & Gabrielle Everall (Vic) + open-mike
9-Mar-24 Chris Konrad + open-mike
16-Mar-24 Woman Scream 2024 – event by WA Poets Inc, with Aditi Arun, Rosie Cavany-Shute, Judith Huang, S C Tokelov & Skylar J Wynter, MC by Manveen Kohli (no open-mike, but great poets …)
23-Mar-24 Amelia Walker (SA) + open-mike
30-Mar-24 Perth Poetry Club 15 years old, Coral Carter & Neil J (BRiLO) Pattinson + open-mike
… Most with open-mike, not to be missed …