Perth Poetry Club has Perth Poetry Festival time and open-mike this Saturday 16th September, 2pm-4pm, at The Moon Café and on ZOOM.
We have fantastic festival poets:
Arianne True (Washington State, USA, Poet Laureate), Juan Garrido Salgado (SA), Indrani Perera (Vic), Jean Kent (NSW),
Lisa Collyer, Caitlin Maling, Talya Rubin, Luoyang Chen
Festival poet bios and the Festival programme can be found on the WA Poets website https://wapoets.com/
or try https://wapoets.com/2023-perth-poetry-festival-guest-biographies/
Also look for 2023 Perth Poetry Festival Program or try https://wapoets.com/2023-perth-poetry-festival-program/
There will be limited open-mike (2-minutes maximum). No preamble please in order to maximise the poetry. It would help if you properly time your open-mike poem prior to the gig. We hope to have 14 or more open-mike slots if everyone co-operates.
Join us to celebrate poetry at The Moon and on ZOOM from the room.
Saturday, 16th September 2023, 2pm to 4pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).
Arianne True (USA), Juan Garrido Salgado (SA), Indrani Perera (Vic), Jean Kent (NSW),
Lisa Collyer, Caitlin Maling, Talya Rubin, Luoyang Chen + open-mike
at The Moon Café, 323 William Street, Northbridge and on ZOOM
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84254037443
A great place/space to be on a Saturday afternoon 2pm-4pm WST, at The Moon & on Zoom.
In weeks to come, we have:
16-Sep-23 Perth Poetry Festival gig – as many of the Festival poets + limited open-mike (2minutes max for open-mikers)
Arianne True (USA), Juan Garrido Salgado (SA), Indrani Perera (Vic), Jean Kent (NSW),
Lisa Collyer, Caitlin Maling, Talya Rubin, Luoyang Chen + open-mike
23-Sep-23 Mega Open-mike event – 5minutes per open-miker
30-Sep-23 Claire Baker (NSW, west coast launch of Paua Shells & Paper Clips) & Mike Bravo + open-mike
7-Oct-23 TBC + open-mike
14-Oct-23 Paul R Kohn (SA), Jeff Cottrill (Canada) & Skylar J Wynter+ open-mike …
All with open-mike, not to be missed …