This Saturday 15th October we have fabulous poets Anne Elvey (Vic), Natalya Garcia, Linda Anderson and open-mike at Perth Poetry Club, VIA ZOOM and at The Moon Café.
Anne Elvey lives and works on Boon Wurrung Country in Seaford, Victoria. Her fifth full length collection Leaf has just been published by Liquid Amber Press. Anne’s other collections are Obligations of Voice (Recent Work Press 2021), On arrivals of breath (Poetica Christi Press 2019), White on White (Cordite Books 2018), and Kin (Five Islands Press 2014), which was shortlisted for the Kenneth Slessor Poetry Prize 2015. Anne was inaugural managing editor of Plumwood Mountain Journal from 2014 to 2020. She curated the ebook hope for whole: Poets Speak up to Adani (2018) and edited, Cloud Climbers: Declarations through Images and Words for a Just and Ecologically Sustainable Peace (with art work by William Kelly and Benjamin McKeown, Palaver Press, 2021). Her latest essays on poetry and poetics appear in New Directions in Contemporary Australian Poetry (ed. Dan Disney and Matthew Hall, 2021) and Imagination in an Age of Crisis (ed. Jason Goroncy and Rod Pattenden, 2022). Anne is an Adjunct Research Fellow in the School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, Monash University.
Website: https://sunglintdrift.com/
Natalya Garcia was born in Seattle (USA) where she grew up, went to school for many years and then moved to Perth in 2016 to begin a PhD in Chemistry. She completed this with only the usual amount of turmoil. After a few months off she began a research associate position, working remotely for a university in another state during the pandemic. How lucky! However, an increasing number of existential crises has led her increasingly to poetry. When she finished her job in January she chose not to renew and instead had a period of intense introspection (which is also known as "using up your savings" or "bumming off your friends"). In poetry, she is interested in exploring identity: what comes from the self and what is shaped by our relationships, and how we reconcile the two. She is now moving to Canada with her partner. What comes next TBD.
Linda Anderson is from Leicester, England originally. Her words: "I’ve now been in Perth nearly half of my life, which I find quite staggering. The older I get, the more I realise time is not my friend! I’ve loved poetry since I was a little girl and have always read and written it. My favourite poets are Philip Larkin and Wendy Cope, but poetry, the sort that makes you catch your breath, is everywhere. “Life is a short warm moment/Death is a long cold rest” - Pink Floyd. “There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in” - Leonard Cohen. And so on. After a long absence, I’ve come back to writing poems and am trying to make up for lost time. I’m so grateful I found the club just when I needed it, as so often happens".
A great place to be this Saturday afternoon 2pm-4pm.
The venue is The Moon Café, 323 William St, Northbridge and on ZOOM.
Gig details are: Perth Poetry Club is inviting you to a scheduled Hybrid Live and Zoom meeting from The Moon Cafe.
this Saturday, 15th October 2022 2:00pm to 4:00pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).
Anne Elvey (Vic), Natalya Garcia, and Linda Anderson + open-mike
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84254037443
You will have to wait for Zoom to do its thing. You will need to be let into the meeting from the Waiting Room. Please be patient. It may not work straight away. Try again. If that fails email Elio on eliopoet@gmail.com
The next few weeks we have the following features:
15-Oct-22 Anne Elvey (Vic) + Natalya Garcia + Linda Anderson + open-mike
22-Oct-22 Rachelle (of The Tamara Room) + Daphne Milne’s What happens when an alien comes for Christmas? + open-mike.
You do not want to miss this one, I can assure you – Rachelle (her 1st ever feature) and
Daphne Milne with help from Elio N, Colin Y, Christine DV, Glen H, Leonard J and BRiLO - some of whom are going to be elves!!!!!! + regular open-mike
29-Oct-22 Ben Riddle + open-mike
5-Nov-22 Launch of Glen Phillips’ Slings and Arrows 6, with Colin Young & Coral Carter + open-mike …
All with open-mike, not to be missed …