This Saturday 15th January we have Peter Jeffery + Sonya Frossine and open-mike at Perth Poetry Club, at THE MOON CAFÉ.
Peter Jeffery OAM is heavily involved in the arts, be it Multicultural Art, Radio and Community Television, WA Poetry Inc.; to name a few. Peter is a previous winner of The Tom Collins Prize and the Randolph Stow Prize. He has been published in magazines such as The Bulletin, Westerly, and Overland, and in several anthologies of WA Literature. His previous poetry books are Scapes (1970) and True to Poetry in my Fashion (2015). He has edited many poetry publications including God in the Afternoon, Cautious Birds, Creatrix Online, and Regime. His recent chapbook is a cycle of poems, Ostia Antica. He is described in various on-line biographies as a retired university lecturer, but retired he certainly is not. Peter has been and continues to be tireless in supporting the poetry, writing and art of many Australian writers and artists.
Sonya Frossine is currently studying Creative Writing and Japanese at Curtin University. She has been published in Voiceworks, Westerly, Cuttlefish and Primo Lux. Her poetry aims to subvert generic and typographical conventions, exploring themes of memory, youth and grief. In particular, she focuses on creating an original voice and developing evocative sensory imagery by drawing on her own life experiences. She has a passion for communication and learning languages, and hopes to one day teach English in Japan.
Please join us to celebrate poetry this Saturday afternoon 2pm - 4pm.
The venue is Moon Café, 323 William St, Northbridge.
Gig details are: Perth Poetry Club is inviting you to a scheduled live gig from Moon Cafe.
this Saturday, 15th January 2022 2:00pm to 4:00pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).
Peter Jeffery, Sonya Frossine + open-mike at the Moon Café.
We will also run an unorganised Zoom meeting, independent of the Moon Café gig to keep the slot open. The Zoom meeting will be open-mike only. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84254037443 Meeting ID: 842 5403 7443 No password needed.
2022 start back:
15-Jan-22 First gig back at the Moon Café, 323 William St, Northbridge
Peter Jeffery + Sonya Frossine + open-mike
22-Jan-22 Ben Mason + open-mike
29-Jan-22 Mega Open-mike event, where everyone is a feature (5 minutes max. for each open-miker) …
All with open-mike, not to be missed …