Saturday 6th November, Manveen Kohli, Sarah St Vincent Welch + open mike, at the Moon and Zoom!

This Saturday 6th November we have Manveen Kohli + Sarah St Vincent Welch (ACT) + open-mike at the Moon and on Zoom.

Manveen Kohli BIO:

I am a 27 year-old aspiring poet from the UK.  I have a background in Educational Psychology, and have recently completed a Master of Teaching at The University of Western Australia.  My writing journey began at a very young age; however, my poetry journey began five years ago.  I started performing my poetry at events such as Spoken Word Perth.  It was one of the most electrifying experiences of my life.  I am a 2x state finalist in WA’s annual poetry slam competition. Furthermore,  I am currently working on my manuscript and plan to self-publish a poetry book in the future.  I hope to empower and heal as many people as possible through my words.

Sarah St Vincent Welch is a texteditwrangler and poet from Canberra.  She is travelling in Australia for three months on a writing journey about mental health.  She is one of the organisers of ‘That Poetry Thing That Is On At Smiths Every Monday’ (which has been zooming during the lockdowns).  She is also the founder of the ‘Kindred Trees’ project, which encourages love of trees through poetry.  It asks Canberra poets to write in response to a local tree. It is a project being developed over the next ten years, and the poetry can be read online with photos of the trees and the poets at  She is also known for chalking her poems on the footpaths at arts festivals. Her chapbook ‘OPEN’ was published by Rochford Press in 2019. ‘chalk borders’ is being published in December 2021 by Flying Islands Press as part of their Pocketbook series.

“I grew up in the Sydney suburb called Northbridge so I have always wanted to visit Perth's Northbridge, and now I will!”

Please join us to celebrate poetry this Saturday afternoon 2pm - 4pm.  The venue is Moon Café, 323 William St, Northbridge and on ZOOM.

Gig details are: Perth Poetry Club is inviting you to a scheduled Hybrid Live and Zoom meeting from Moon Cafe.

this Saturday, 6th November 2:00pm to 4:00pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).

       Manveen Kohli + Sarah St Vincent Welch (ACT) + open-mike from the Moon Café.

       Join Zoom Meeting

You will have to wait for Zoom to do its thing. You will need to be let into the meeting from the Waiting Room. Please be patient. It may not work straight away. Try again. If that fails email Elio on

The Moon Café is open from 12noon each day (except Tuesday). It also runs as a take away food / delivery and pick-up venue. Online bookings via their website, Facebook and Instagram. Also try calling 9328 7474.

The next few weeks we have the following features:

  6-Nov-21  Manveen Kohli + Sarah St Vincent Welch (ACT, in Perth) + open-mike

 13-Nov-21  JR Grogan (NSW) + Matt Loeb (Canada, now Perth) + open-mike

 20-Nov-21  Brushstrokes II, Ros Spencer Poetry Anthology launch + open-mike

 27-Nov-21  Yvonne Paterson + SoulReserve + open-mike …

All with open-mike, not to be missed …