This week our two features, Shane Cartledge and Sunny Wignall offer different yet complementary perspectives on life.
S.T. Cartledge is the weird fiction author of Kaiju Canyon, Day of the Milkman, and House Hunter, as well as the poetry collection, Beautiful Madness (and beautiful it is). Shane is a creative writing graduate from Curtin University and lives in Perth. His novella, Girl in the Glass Planet, is coming soon from Bizarro Pulp Press. He has impressed at Voicebox and this year’s Perth Poetry Festival.
Sunny Wignall is a post-colonial nondescript poetic entity residing in Perth. His words are sometimes an attempt at understanding reality, himself, others, place, connection and whatever else is thrown up on the beach sand. He's read at several poetic forums over the years and been published in a love poem anthology. Sunny put out a zine of poetry concerning the Beeliar wetlands in 2014. He also delights in lending musical accompaniment to others' spoken word pieces and story-telling, and loves the diversity and openness of Perth's poetry scene.
Diversity and openness from Shane Cartledge and Sunny Wignall at Perth Poetry Club this Saturday 29th October 2016, 2pm-4pm, The Moon Café 323 William Street Northbridge. Open-mike as always.
In coming weeks we have:
5-Nov-16 Rosemary Longhurst & Liz Mistry
12-Nov-16 Scott-Patrick Mitchell + TBA