This Saturday 4th March we have wonderful poets Afeif Ismail (with Vivienne Glance) + open-mike, on Zoom and at The Moon Cafe.
Afeif Ismail is bilingual an award-winning Sudanese-Australian writer and human-rights activist. Extracts of his works have been translated into German, Spanish and Swedish. Afeif poetry has appeared in journals (incl. Westerly, Performance Poets, Fremantle Press, Storyline, Mascara Literary Review, Cordite Poetry Review, World is Out NSW, Poetry without Borders VIC, Australia, Marginata, Western Australia).
Afeif published in Arabic six of Poetry Collection:
- “Traps and some Tracks”
- “Bet of the Argil”
- “A Passage to the Aroma of Invisibility”
- “It’s your Bird”
- “There! Where the Storm sleeps without Cover”, and
- “Afeif Ismail - The Complete Poetry Collections”.
Hybrid Genre Tales:
- “As the Light Sleeps in Distance”
Journalist Creative Essays:
- “Conversation from Beyond the Ocean” and
- “Perfume Traces of Absences.”
Afeif’s plays (in Arabic) have been produced in many cities, towns and villages in Sudan including Khartoum.
Vivienne Glance and Afeif Ismail have been collaborating since 2004 on co-transcreating his writing from Arabic to English. They have been co-commissioned, and have produced multiple theatre works,including:
- “The African Magician” (nominated for an Australian Writers Guild Award (AWGIE) in 2011 for best children’s play)
- and produced plays, “Son of the Nile”, “3 Seeds” and, “Circles of Return”.
Other collaborations included play development at Playwriting Australian Playwrights’ Conference Script Workshop and through a WA Theatre Development Award.
Afeif has presented work at Write Local Play Global, Unexpected Connections, One Theatre World, Cleveland, Ohio, USA in 2013 and at the International Theater Festival Schaxpir, Austria. In 2008,
Afeif was awarded the inaugural Australian National Playwrights’ Conference (ANPC) Bursary and 2022 Ballina Region for Refugees Seeking Asylum Poetry Prize.
Vivienne Glance and Afeif Ismail are the winner of the ASSITEJ International Call for Ideas grant to creator three educational videos about the transcreation process. Also, Vivienne and Afeif are Panellist at ASSITEJ World Congress- Japan 2022.
Afeif and Vivienne have published a co-transcreations of the poetry collection “Mum This World Lies to Us”. Vivienne significantly contributed to the co-transcreation of the poetry collection, “Orphaned Birds”.
Afeif and Vivienne have presented readings, talks and workshops on transcreation at various writers’ festivals and other venues. They also co-wrote the following article: “Transcreation and the Productive Artist.”
Don’t miss this Saturday, 4th March 2023, 2pm to 4pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).
Afeif Ismail (with Vivienne Glance) + open-mike, at The Moon Café, 323 William Street, Northbridge
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84254037443
A great place/space to be on a Saturday afternoon 2pm-4pm WST.
We are back Zooming this week In weeks to come, we have:
4-Mar-23 Afeif Ismail (with Vivienne Glance) + open-mike
11-Mar-23 Woman Scream 2023 – event by WA Poets Inc (no open-mike)
18-Mar-23 Jackson & Tineke Van der Eecken + open-mike
25-Mar-23 Natalie Damjanovich-Napoleon & Carolyn Abbs + open-mike …
Most with open-mike, not to be missed …