This Saturday 18th February we have wonderful poets Cath Drake (UK) + Karen Louise + open-mike.
Cath Drake is from Perth, and now lives in London, UK. This is the Aussie launch (somewhat belated due to Covid) of The Shaking City (Seren Books), highly commended in the UK Forward Prize and longlisted in international Laurel Prize, followed 'Sleeping with Rivers', a Poetry Book Society choice & winner of the Seren/Mslexia pamphlet prize.
Published widely in anthologies and literary journals in UK, Ireland, US and Australia, she’s recently included in Best Australian Poems 2022 and The Australian (pending) and been short-listed for the Venture, Bridport and Manchester Poetry Prize, plus second and commended in the UK Poetry School Ginkgo eco-poetry prize. A mindfulness teacher, an award-winning environmental writer, she hosts The Verandah, quality online poetry events for Aussie & UK writers.
Karen Louise has always found wonder in the written word. A career as a journalist in Australia and the UK sated a need to tell stories but it wasn’t until she revisited her childhood past-time of playing piano that the seed of poetry and song would again blossom. Her favourite colour is nostalgia and her work is awash in sepia-stained memories of lost love and found Self. Her performances are awash with space, her poems sound like a slow song and her songs taste like a 1920s speakeasy.
Recent collaborations and awards Unfettered Voices (2020 Bunbury Fringe), Second place, 2019 Shorelines Writing for Performance festival Finalist 2021 Shorelines Writing for Performance Festival & 2022 Winner, Poetry, “Summer” Competition (Short Stories Unlimited).
We are also delighted to have open-mike readers from Cath Drake’s international poetry groups, including locals, Rita Tognini, Jenny Hetherington, Tineke Van der Eecken, Coral Carter, and Glen Hunting (NT), Jenny Mangan (Australia, live), Suzanne Iuppa (Italy), Kathy Armstrong (UK).
Don’t miss this Saturday, 18th February 2023 2:00pm to 4:00pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).
Cath Drake (UK) & Karen Louise + open-mike, at The Moon Café, 323 William Street, Northbridge
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84254037443
A great place/space to be on a Saturday afternoon 2pm-4pm WST.
In weeks to come, we have:
18-Feb-23 Cath Drake (UK) & Karen Louise + open-mike
Aussie launch of Cath Drake’s The Shaking City (Seren Books)
25-Feb-23 Joni Boyd & Saoirse Nash + open-mike
4-Mar-23 Afeif Ismail (with Vivienne Glance) + open-mike
11-Mar-23 Woman Scream 2023 – event by WA Poets Inc (no open-mike)
18-Mar-23 Jackson & Tineke Van der Eecken + open-mike
25-Mar-23 Natalie Damjanovich-Napoleon & Carolyn Abbs + open-mike …
Most with open-mike, not to be missed …