This Saturday 29th October we have fabulous poet Ben Riddle and open-mike at Perth Poetry Club, VIA ZOOM and at The Moon Café.
Indie darling Ben Riddle has been writing and publishing poetry for some ten years now, and performing words on stage for eight. Having graduated with a BA from the University of Western Australia, and completed postgraduate studies at Deakin University, Ben Riddle wrote and toured his original show "The Cripple Who Is Whole" in 2016. The recipient of the 2014 Fred Wm. Simpson Prize for English Verse, Riddle has performed stages on both sides of Australia and in Singapore, and last year rereleased The Cripple Who Is Whole to an international audience. His sophomore collection "Suburbia" is due out later this year.
We also came across this poem of his on a UWA website:
The venue is The Moon Café, 323 William St, Northbridge and on ZOOM.
Gig details are: Perth Poetry Club is inviting you to a scheduled Hybrid Live and Zoom meeting from The Moon Cafe.
this Saturday, 29th October 2022 2:00pm to 4:00pm Perth Aus WST (GMT+8hrs).
Ben Riddle + open-mike
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84254037443
You will have to wait for Zoom to do its thing. You will need to be let into the meeting from the Waiting Room. Please be patient. It may not work straight away. Try again. If that fails email Elio on eliopoet@gmail.com
The next few weeks we have the following features:
29-Oct-22 Ben Riddle + open-mike
5-Nov-22 Launch of Glen Phillips’ Slings and Arrows 6, with Colin Young & Coral Carter + open-mike
12-Nov-22 Tammie Winnett + Cam Knight (Vic) + Judith Ann + open-mike
19-Nov-22 Launch of Brushstrokes III, with TBC (Joint PPC / WA Poets event) + open-mike
26-Nov-22 Federico Favali (Italy) + open-mike …
All with open-mike, not to be missed