Saturday 30th June - Mega Open-mike!

This Saturday 30th June 2018 is our second Mega Open-Mike Event for the year where everyone is a feature at Perth Poetry Club.

Perth Poetry Club holds Mega Open-Mikes quarterly as an opportunity for every open-miker to be a feature with 5 minutes (maximum) of performance time.

Best to prepare your performance. Try something different, experimental. Edit and refresh your poems. Hone your performance skills.

Past events have been memorable for the quality of the poetry and performances.

Join us this Saturday afternoon 2pm - 4pm at the Moon Café, 323 William Street Northbridge.

The next few weeks, we the following features + usual open mike:

  30-Jun-18    Mega Open-mike, where everyone is a feature

     7-Jul-18    Cate Jennings + Jenny Hartley + Aidan Coleman (Adelaide) + open mike

   14-Jul-18    Deanne Leber + open mike …

All, not to be missed …